SoulCollage® for Me...
SoulCollage® for me is a sacred listening practice. It is a very personal form of prayer that takes me to the place where soul and Divine Consciousness meet. From the hilarious to the terrifying, the complicated to the serene, each card is a gift, an offering from Me to me. The practice of SoulCollage® merges all of the senses into one fluid motion of inner awakening; sight becomes sound, becomes touch-opening memory to taste, smell and the mysterious sixth sense of intuitive knowing. Creation and creativity flow through each of us in all moments. SoulCollage®, like yoga, meditation, prayer, dance, song and deep uproarious laughter has the power to remind us of this truth. I have experienced every card to be Love at first sight (even the shadowy ones)…a love that grows as I blossom into the woman I am becoming, day by day, moment by moment.
map of mother and child
I am one who guides you on your own journey...I am one who sees the uncharted territories of you soul yet to be disclosed...I am one who reassures you that your inner compass will not let you down...I am one who is both mother and child dwelling companionably inside of you...teaching you joy and gratitude as you walk this road called life.
Really beautiful and moving.
The SoulCollages are beautiful not only aesthetically but also because they are so rich with personal meaning. Very inspiring!
(A fellow artist and Yoga admirer who admires creativity in all its forms)
I like what you have written and what you have made visible.
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